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Is a bifocal or progressive addition spectacle lens worth prescribing for myopia management?

Posted on July 13th 2020 by Connie Gan

In this article:

Bifocal and progressive addition lenses were first to be used for myopia control, but show modest results. Are they still useful for myopia management?

CW posted a question about spectacle lens options to the Myopia Profile Facebook community. He wondered if bifocals and progressive addition lenses (PAL) were worth the extra cost for parents of myopic children, as the myopia control efficacy is relatively low compared to other options like contact lenses.

CW I was wondering since from studies that PAL's produce only a minimal myopia control effect (0.20D or less), is it still worth prescribing? The only studies that showed a positive result was bifocals for children with eso and high lag, but bifocals are not a very viable option with children these days due to cosmesis and compliance. I have seen colleagues prescribe multifocal spectacles as well as access low shift/high shift lenses for myopia control, but with the lack of evidence surrounding these spectacles, is it still worth to make the patient fork out extra money and adaptation time for these options, if the parents refuse atropine and contact lenses? Is there also a consensus for determining the ADD for multifocal spectacle prescribing? (i.e. Soft contact lenses for myopia control has generally be performed with +2.00 ADD or higher) KG great question. :) If the child and/or parent aren't willing to go for contact lens options or atropine, I'd only think SVD could be considered for the child with perfect BV function at near, in their SVD. I've prescribed SVD for a few kids before who are around -1.50, very near centric (homeschooled, so didn't need to read a board in a classroom; or heavy users of tablets/laptops in class), were taking their specs off to read anyway, and have normal / close to normal BV. Ultimately, though, if they're accepted by the child, PAL's show around 12% control effect for a whole cohort, which is still better than the control group (SVD), who by reference show 0% effect. We'd need to be careful of prescribing PAL's for certain BV conditions, though, where they may not be accepted. PAL's applied to every myopic kid regardless of BV status maybe isn't useful, but if the practitioner isn't measuring BV, they're probably more going to have more hits than misses with this approach! At this stage with what we know, it's more evidence based that SVD. Your selection of the add depends on their BV - a good place to start is by taking their near retinoscopy results and subtracting +0.50 for a normal lag, and remeasuring BV from there.

Bifocal/progressive addition lens vs. single vision lens

Part of the thought process in deciding on a myopia control strategy involves weighing up the cost against the benefit. In the first instance, the myopia needs to be corrected with either spectacles or contact lenses. When spectacles are the only option available for a myopic child - and this could be for a variety of reasons such as cost, unsuitability or lack of parental interest in contact lenses - the clinician must choose between the following readily accessible options: single vision, progressive addition or bifocal spectacle lenses.

A common rationale is that any of the two are better than a single vision lens (SV). However, CW raises a fair concern as to whether the extra cost of these lenses justify the potentially small myopia control benefit.

Cheng et al showed that prismatic bifocal lenses are effective for patients who have normal binocular vision (BV) status whereas bifocals didn't work as well for children with low accommodative lag.On average across multiple studies, bifocal and progressive addition spectacle lenses have reduced myopic progression by 0.25D per year compared to single vision.1-3 While this doesn't sound very exciting in isolation, over the three year study of Cheng et al,1 bifocals with a +1.50 Add reduced final myopia by 0.86D and prismatic bifocals (+1.50 Add with 3 BI in each eye) by 1.01D. To understand more about why the prism was used, read our blog on Progressives, bifocals, binocular vision and more.

As we know, 1D less myopia means 40% less lifelong risk of myopic maculopathy so is worth the interventional efforts.  Read more in our blog Why each dioptre matters. 

Are bifocals better than progressive addition lenses? Maybe. Progressive addition lenses are likely most valuable for children who show esophoria and accommodative lag in their single vision correction.

Which add to use for bifocal/progressive additional lens

Studies commonly use +1.50D and +2.00D Adds.Leung and co-authors suggested +2.00D as it appears to be more effective than +1.50D in slowing myopia progression.In the comments, KG suggests to use the patient’s BV status when assessed in single vision correction to choose the appropriate add to prescribe. For more advice on this, read our blog prescribing adds for accommodative lag and prescribing adds for esophoria. Given that myopes are more likely to have a BV anomaly, this is a good strategy to consider.5,6

Progressive and bifocal spectacle lenses work best for myopia control when considered in view of the patient's binocular vision status - both in terms of efficacy and ensuring visual comfort and acceptance of the lenses. If contact lenses aren't an option, select a progressive addition lens for a child with esophoria and accommodative lag. Select a bifocal or prismatic bifocal in other binocular vision presentations. For more guidance on this, check out our Clinical Decision Trees, where Question 3 includes spectacle lens prescribing in view of binocular vision status.

A small aside: It is worthwhile noting that the way a patient responds to the add in bifocals/PALs isn't necessarily the same as for an add applied in a multifocal soft contact lens (MFCL). The add in bifocals/PALs helps decrease accommodation lag for near work,whereas the add in MFCLs has been shown to increase accommodation lag at near,likely due to the young eye relaxing their accommodation and using the 'add zone' at near. If you'd like to read more about this, check out Which MFCL - efficacy and function.

Latest spectacle designs

We now have new spectacle lens options for myopia control becoming available, which on early indications show better efficacy than progressive and bifocal spectacle lenses. The first of these is the Defocus Incorporated Multiple segment (DIMS) lens, commercialized by Hoya and already available in some Asian countries, that promisingly appears to provide a level of myopia control similar to contact lens options – even for those patients with normal binocular vision. Read more about this in Spectacle lenses for myopia control: new designs and latest studies.

Take home messages:

  1. Progressive addition and bifocal spectacle lenses can provide a useful myopia control effect, when correctly applied based on a child's binocular vision status. Bifocals with prismatic correction appear to work best of the standard spectacle lens options, and for most binocular vision presentations.
  2. Spectacles are usually considered after the patient or parents have turned down contact lens options, however myopia control specific spectacle lens designs are on the horizon, and even available in some countries now.

Meet the Authors:

About Connie Gan

Connie is a clinical optometrist from Kedah, Malaysia, who provides comprehensive vision care for children and runs the myopia management service in her clinical practice.

Read Connie's work in many of the case studies published on Connie also manages our Myopia Profile and My Kids Vision Instagram and My Kids Vision Facebook platforms.

About Kimberley Ngu

Kimberley is a clinical optometrist from Perth, Australia, with experience in patient education programs, having practiced in both Australia and Singapore.

Read Kimberley's work in many of the case studies published on Kimberley also manages our Myopia Profile and My Kids Vision Instagram and My Kids Vision Facebook platforms.

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