Johnson & Johnson
Johnson & Johnson Vision is a renowned global leader in the field of eye health, dedicated to improving vision and enriching lives worldwide. With a strong emphasis on innovation, they offer a comprehensive range of advanced eye care products. Their pioneering work in myopia management involves the development of cutting-edge technologies and therapies to slow down the progression of myopia in children. Johnson & Johnson Vision's unwavering commitment to providing exceptional myopia management solutions demonstrates their dedication to making a positive impact on people's lives.
Johnson & Johnson sponsored articles in Myopia Profile.
Johnson & Johnson myopia management products
Myopia management products listed by Myopia Profile have been specifically designed for myopia control or myopia management in children, and have some form of regulatory approval or marking for this form of use. They also have randomized controlled trial research data supporting their efficacy, unless otherwise noted. It is up to the individual eye care practitioner to be aware of regulatory requirements for prescribing in their country of practice, and also be aware that not all products are available in all countries.Abilitiā¢ 1-Day
Abiliti™ 1-Day are soft contact lenses that are specifically for slowing the progression of myopia in children. The RingBoost™ technology is designed to maintain vision while providing a very high treatment power. It is potentially a first-line treatment for the management of progressive myopia in children. As a relatively new product, there is currently only six-month data currently published from an ongoing randomized clinical trial.
Abilitiā¢ Overnight Therapeutic Lenses
Abiliti™ Overnight orthokeratology lenses offer practitioners a first-line treatment option for myopia management in children. The FitAbiliti™ software provides a streamlined and user-friendly fitting protocol which allows optimal lens fitting to be easily achieved. Abiliti™ Overnight, with its semi-automated fitting protocol, provides feedback to enable a wider base of eye care practitioners to adopt orthokeratology as part of their myopia control toolkit. Two designs are available: for spherical corrections, and for myopia management with astigmatism. The robust evidence base for orthokeratology means it can be considered a first-line treatment for children with myopia.
Johnson & Johnson resources
See your Abiliti website
This website for parents, patients and eye care professionals in learning about myopia, and myopia management solutions offered through the Abiliti™ portfolio.